New Physics Fit results: Summer 2023
Input used are the same as in
Standard Model Fit .
The fit presented here is meant to constrain the NP contributions to |Δ F|=2 transitions by using the available experimental information on loop-mediated processes In general, NP models introduce a large number of new parameters: flavour changing couplings, short distance coefficients and matrix elements of new local operators. The specific list and the actual values of these parameters can only be determined within a given model. Nevertheless mixing processes are described by a single amplitude and can be parameterised, without loss of generality, in terms of two parameters, which quantify the difference of the complex amplitude with respect to the SM one. Thus, for instance, in the case of
mixing we define
includes only the SM box diagrams, while
also includes the NP contributions. In the absence of NP effects,
by definition. In a similar way, one can write
, to be conservative, we add to the short-distance contribution a possible long-distance one that varies with a uniform distribution between zero and the experimental value of
The new physics parameters can also be rewritten as
The experimental quantities determined from the
mixings are related to their SM counterparts and the NP parameters by the following relations:
in a self-explanatory notation.
All the measured observables can be written as a function of these NP parameters and the SM ones ρ and η, and additional parameters such as masses, form factors, and decay constants.
Table of inputs, posterior values and predictions from the global fit beyond the SM.
Fit Results for the new physics global fit:
New physics scale analysis: