
In citing our works, please refer to the UTfit web site, where the most updated results can be found, and, depending on the subject, to the most recent publication where the methods are described.

In particular, for the analysis of the unitarity triangle in the Standard Model you could cite

  • M. Bona et al. [UTfit Collaboration], "The Unitarity Triangle Fit in the Standard Model and Hadronic Parameters from Lattice QCD: A Reappraisal after the Measurements of Δms and BR(B → τν)", JHEP 10 (2006) 081, hep-ph/0606167.
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  • M. Bona et al. [UTfit Collaboration], "New UTfit Analysis of the Unitarity Triangle in the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa scheme", Rend.Lincei Sci.Fis.Nat. 34 (2023) 37-57, 2212.03894 hep-ph
and for the New Physics analysis please refer to:

Basic references

  • M. Ciuchini, G. D'Agostini, E. Franco, V. Lubicz, G. Martinelli, F. Parodi, P. Roudeau, A. Stocchi, "2000 CKM-Triangle Analysis A Critical Review with Updated Experimental Inputs and Theoretical Parameters", JHEP 0107 (2001) 013, hep-ph/0012308.
  • M. Ciuchini, E. Franco, L. Giusti, V. Lubicz, G. Martinelli, "Combined analysis of the unitarity triangle and CP violation in the standard model", Nuclear Physics B573:201-222,2000, hep-ph/9910236.
  • F. Parodi, P. Roudeau and A. Stocchi "Constraints on the parameters of the VCKM Matrix by the end 1998", Il Nuovo Cimento 112A (1999) 833, hep-ex/9903063.



  • M. Bona et al. [UTfit Collaboration], "New UTfit Analysis of the Unitarity Triangle in the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa scheme", Rend.Lincei Sci.Fis.Nat. 34 (2023) 37-57, 2212.03894 hep-ph
  • A.J. Bevan et al. [UTfit Collaboration], "The UTfit Collaboration Average of D meson mixing data: Winter 2014" JHEP 03 (2014) 123, 1402.1664 hep-ph
  • A.J. Bevan et al. [UTfit Collaboration], "The UTfit Collaboration Average of D meson mixing data: Spring 2012", JHEP 10 (2012) 068, 1206.6245 hep-ph.
  • M. Bona et al. [UTfit Collaboration], "An Improved Standard Model Prediction Of BR(B → τν) And Its Implications For New Physics", Phys.Lett. B687 (2010) 61, 0908.3470 hep-ph.
  • M. Bona et al. [UTfit Collaboration], "Evidence of New Physics in b ↔ s Transitions", PMC Phys. A3 (2009) 6, 0803.0659 hep-ph.
  • M. Bona et al. [UTfit Collaboration], "Model-independent constraints on ΔF=2 operators and the scale of New Physics", JHEP 03 (2008) 049, 0707.0636 hep-ph.
  • M. Bona et al. [UTfit Collaboration], "Improved Determination of the CKM Angle α from B → ππ decays", Phys. Rev. D76 (2007) 014015, hep-ph/0701204.
  • M. Bona et al. [UTfit Collaboration], "The Unitarity Triangle Fit in the Standard Model and Hadronic Parameters from Lattice QCD: A Reappraisal after the Measurements of Δms and BR(B → τν)", JHEP 10 (2006) 081, hep-ph/0606167.
  • M. Bona et al. [UTfit Collaboration], "The UTfit Collaboration Report on the Unitarity Triangle beyond the Standard Model: Spring 2006", Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 151803, hep-ph/0605213.
  • M. Bona et al. [UTfit Collaboration], "The UTfit Collaboration Report on the Status of the Unitarity Triangle beyond the Standard Model I. Model-independent Analysis and Minimal Flavour Violation", JHEP 03 (2006) 080, hep-ph/0509219.
  • M. Bona et al. [UTfit Collaboration], "The 2004 UTfit Collaboration Report on the Status of the Unitarity Triangle in the Standard Model", JHEP 0507 (2005) 028. hep-ph/0501199.
  • M. Ciuchini, E. Franco, V. Lubicz, F. Parodi, L. Silvestrini and A. Stocchi "Unitarity Triangle in the Standard Model and sensitivity to new physics", eConf C0304052 (2003) WG306, hep-ph/0307195.

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